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10 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

<strong>10 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories</strong>

At some point during our busy day, we all get all craving for something that can hold us over until dinner or we just want a quick dessert while binge-watching the latest series on Netflix. But that urge to snack can lead to trouble if you choose the unhealthy route. Luckily, there are plenty of healthy snacks available that, at the right portions, add up to well under 200 calories. These healthy snack ideas can satisfy your craving for carbs or sweets but without the empty calories in chips, cookies or ice cream.

These 10 healthy snacks are quick and easy enough for you to have anytime whether are work, home or even on the road.  

1. Half an Apple With 1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter

Caloric Intake: About 150 calories

The Gist: An easy, convenient snack that can easily be consumed during the progression of your workday? Reach for your nearest apple and jar of peanut butter. Merely cut the apple in half, divide it into several slices and casually dab a minimal amount of peanut butter atop it. You’ll have on-hand a calorically minimal snack that will temporarily satiate your appetite.

2. Quaker Organic Instant Oatmeal (Regular Flavor)

Caloric Intake: 150 calories

The Gist: An excellent source of fiber, Quaker Instant Oatmeal is a regular feature of most office spaces throughout the country. Many workers, especially ones with children, do not have the time during the morning to adequately prepare a wholesome breakfast for themselves. With Quaker Oats, one can simply carry-over the task to the office, microwaving an Instant Oatmeal in a minute to accommodate their schedule. To minimize the amount of calories most optimally, remember to opt for the “original” flavor – Which is perhaps a little less appetizing, but ultimately more accommodating of a diet mindful of calories.

3. 1 Tbsp Peanuts And 2 Tbsp Dried Cranberries

Caloric Intake: 130 calories

The Gist: Another snack to quickly concoct, pairing peanuts with dried cranberries is a salty and sweety snack that will leave you feeling satisfied. “Planters” peanuts and dried cranberries of numerous varieties are easily accessible at your local supermarket.

4. 18 Fat-free Rold Gold Tiny Twists

Caloric Intake: 120 calories

The Gist: This classic snack can also remedy any pangs in one’s stomach assuming one does not overindulge. Purchase a small package of “Tiny Twists” at your local supermarket and enjoy. A single bag is marked as consisting of only 120 calories.

5. 5 Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Kisses

Caloric Intake: 105 calories

The Gist: Dark chocolate consists of myriad health benefits, including increased protection against free radicals, improved cardiovascular health, and improved neurological health. Fortuitously, it is eminently available in the form of “Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Kisses.” A calorically limited snack, there is no need to feel guilty if one were to indulge in this sweet treat.

6. 1/2 Cup Frozen Yogurt

Caloric Intake: 110 calories

The Gist: High in protein, calcium, and probiotics, frozen yogurt is another amenable option for a snack. Yoplait tends to be the most popular option, though there are numerous others available.

7. 1 Cup Strawberries And 3 Tbsp Reddi Whip

Caloric Intake: 110 calories

The Gist: “Reddi Whip” is an excellent additive to zest up an otherwise anodyne bowl of strawberries. The combination of the two, moreover, makes for a refreshing and energizing treat.

8. 1 Cup Baby Carrots With 2 Tbsp Hummus

Caloric Intake: About 100 calories

The Gist: Hummus is regarded by many nutritionists as a “superfood,” and it is certainly deserving of the recognition. Hummus has proven effective in reducing inflammation, facilitating digestive health, regulate blood sugar levels, supporting weight management, while also being gluten-free! Pairing hummus with another objectively healthy vegetable – baby carrots – is great way to simultaneously buttress your health while limiting your calories.

9. 1/2 Cup Edamame (Measured Shelled)

Caloric Intake: 100 calories

The Gist: Edamame is a more obscure snack: It’s essentially a collection of soybeans in a green pod. Naturally, it is very nutritious, rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and isoflavones. A half-cup of edamame serves as an excellent, wholesome snack.

10. 2 Nabisco 100% Whole Grain Fig Newtons

Caloric Intake:  110 calories

The Gist: The inclusion of fig newtons may seem curious, but they can be quite an expeditious snack if one is running on fumes. Healthier than comparable cookies, fig newtons are a calorically light snack that can appease your sweet tooth.