Author: Del Bailey
Unplugging With Yoga
As society becomes more connected, so do its members.
The demands of family, work and the ever present need to stay connected
via social media [...]
Internet Dating Dos and Don’ts
It’s the 21st century and online dating is all the rage, however, sometimes it can be a bit tricky. Obviously, taking precautions is a must but there [...]
Symptoms and Treatments for Osteoporosis
In simple terms, osteoporosis is known as bone loss. The
calcium in the blood that is needed for proper muscle contractions and nerve
functions is at [...]
7 Hacks To Make Wallpaper Removal A Breeze
How long have you been staring at that old wallpaper? Well,
wallpaper is not meant to stay for too long. However, it is high time now you
consider st [...]
How Debt Consolidation Loans Work
When you have multiple debts and loans to pay off (credit
card debt, personal loans, overdrafts, etc.), each carrying different interest
rates, month [...]
Conversations to Have Before Tying the Knot
It has been said that love is blind. However, prior to
getting married, the romantic blinders should be removed for a while. If you genuinely
want to [...]
9 Ways To Speed Up Your Morning Routine
We have all experienced the panic of looking at our alarm
clock in the morning and realizing we overslept. We tell ourselves, "just
five more minutes [...]
Why Is It Hard to Lose Weight?
Have you really struggled to lose those extra pounds? Why is
it hard to lose weight? Well, it’s not as simple a task as it may sound. Losing
weight r [...]
Simple Home Makeover Tips That Can Help Reduce Stress
After a long, demanding, and stressful day, instead of
disappearing, the stress can follow us home. The environment inside of our
homes can potential [...]
It’s Never Too Soon to Invest in Your Future
Be it for retirement, for a wedding, a big move, a new baby, or just as a
precaution, it’s never too soon to invest in your future. In fact, the soon [...]