Author: Travis Fuller

1 2 10 / 17 POSTS
10 of The World’s Best Hiking Trails

10 of The World’s Best Hiking Trails

Whether you are a talented hiker or a beginner searching for a challenge and adventure in the great outdoors, there are hiking trails that will offer [...]
9 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time

9 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time

A one, and a two, and a three, and a floor. If work, family, and life responsibilities have you feeling like blinking your eyes counts as exercise, t [...]
Top 5 Christmas Movies

Top 5 Christmas Movies

The candy has been dispersed, the costumes dissipated, the turkey’s have been sprightly consumed, the grace for Thanksgiving given. Now, the king of [...]
10 Healthy Work From Home Habits

10 Healthy Work From Home Habits

The outbreak of the coronavirus forced millions of Americans across the country to work from home in 2020. While some may have found the experience [...]
5 Reasons Why Moderate Stress Is Good For You

5 Reasons Why Moderate Stress Is Good For You

Is moderate stress good for you? All stress isn’t equal. Certainly, significant levels of anxiety and stress are cumbersome to grapple with, catalyz [...]
5 Benefits Of HIIT Workouts

5 Benefits Of HIIT Workouts

HIIT workouts, or high intensity interval workouts, can be a deeply effective fitness regimen, depending on one’s fitness goals. The central objecti [...]
10 Benefits of Breathworks

10 Benefits of Breathworks

Breathworks is a broad term associated with any type of therapy that leverages adjustments in breathing patterns to improve mental, physical and spiri [...]
Deciphering Dogs: What Common Dog Gestures Signify

Deciphering Dogs: What Common Dog Gestures Signify

Dogs are not the most mysterious of creatures. Unlike humans, they do not delineate boundaries, they are seldom subtle in their expressions, they are [...]
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Cardio Workouts

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Cardio Workouts

The most effective fitness workouts are classified as “cardio” because they elevate the heart rate for an extended time. Options range from indoor an [...]
10 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

10 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

At some point during our busy day, we all get all craving for something that can hold us over until dinner or we just want a quick dessert while bin [...]
1 2 10 / 17 POSTS