Symptoms and Treatments for Osteoporosis

In simple terms, osteoporosis is known as bone loss. The calcium in the blood that is needed for proper muscle contractions and nerve functions is at a lower level and causes hypercalcemia. This then results in osteoporosis. This condition is exceedingly difficult for individuals to spot; however, there are symptoms and treatments for osteoporosis.

What is Osteoporosis

In a human bone, there are two types of cells known as osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteoclasts are cells that break down bone and release calcium. Osteoblasts, on the other hand, are cells that rebuild bone. When one is suffering from osteoporosis, the osteoclasts outperform osteoblasts, which cause more bone to be broken down and less being formed. Over time, this results in the bones becoming weak.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis – Symptoms and Treatments for Osteoporosis

Even though there are not many symptoms of osteoporosis, there are a few that can have devastating effects on the human body. Some of the more common ones are easy bone fracture and hunched back. Since the bone is weak, applied stress such as a fall can result in more serious fractures than it would to someone with normal bone strength. The same thing can be applied to the hunched back symptom. The human spine is made up of bones linked together. When these become weak, they lose their ability to hold up the torso area and thus crumple from the weight.

Prevention Measures

Even though this disease is more prevalent in women than in men, both genders should work on preventing it. Normally, humans reach their peak bone mass in their early twenties. From there on, the bones start to deteriorate, and hypercalcemia can start to occur. The best way to prevent this is by good old-fashioned exercising. When a person exercises, stress is put on the bones causing the body to build more bone quickly. By stimulating the body’s osteoblasts to work harder, the bones can retain their structure at any age. However, exercise is not everyone’s cup of tea. Another way to prevent osteoporosis is by taking calcitonin supplements (found in fish), and calcium supplements. Remember to consult your doctor before taking any supplements. Sometimes, osteoporosis can be difficult to prevent due to genetics, but exercising is a good way to decrease its effects.

Treatments for Osteoporosis – Symptoms and Treatments for Osteoporosis

The treatments of osteoporosis are as follows. “Bisphosphonate pills are common medication given to osteoporosis patients. These include Alendronate (Fosamax), Risedronate (Actonel), Ibandronate (Boniva), Teriparatide (Forteo) (typically for male), and Zoledronic acid (Reclast)” (Staff). Other than the usual medicines, there are some other ways to stop this disease from progressing. By not smoking or drinking alcohol, it’s known to decrease bone break down and not speed up the disease. In addition, remember that osteoporosis weakens the bones. This means that the true problem occurs when the bone is broken. Those who suffer from this disease find it harder to heal from fractures. Being careful when living one’s life is imperative to making sure no fractures occur. By keeping in mind, the prevention tactics in this article and what to do when one is diagnosed, osteoporosis can be something that can be lived with, without much hassle.