Ten Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Millions of people resolve to change every year, but why? Many people view the new year as a fresh start and an opportunity to change bad habits and create routines. This will boost their psychological, emotional, social, physical, and intellectual growth. However, resolutions may not always stick but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile. Keeping resolutions can sometimes be difficult because people to bite off more than they can chew. Here are some tips to keep your new year’s resolutions that may help you improve your chances.

Choose A Specific Goal

Millions of people every year resolve to lose weight, be more productive or get in shape during the following year. Consider something more concrete instead of such an ambiguous goal. Make sure your goal is particular and attainable.

The benefit of setting concrete, attainable goals is that they allow you to plan how you will achieve them. Making a daily to-do list, losing 10 pounds, or running half-marathons are all examples of goals you might set for yourself. Rather than setting a drastic goal, keep it realistic.

Limit Your Resolutions

Although you might have many potential New Year’s resolutions, Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at Hertfordshire University, advises choosing one and focusing your energies on it rather than juggling too many goals simultaneously. 

Your belief in yourself can be boosted by achieving even one small goal. It may be more manageable to tackle larger goals one at a time if they are broken down into manageable chunks. Establishing new behavioral patterns takes time and sustained effort, so taking on too much at once can be daunting. Maintaining a resolution is much easier when you focus on one specific goal. 

Start With Small Steps – Ten Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

A common reason for New Year’s resolution failure is taking on too much too soon. Unsustainable diets, excessive workouts, or radically altering your regular habits will derail your plans. Rather than focusing on achieving your larger goal, take small steps to help you achieve it. It may seem slow initially, but these small incremental changes will help you stay on track and increase your chances of long-term success.

Avoid Repeating Past Failures

Keep your New Year’s resolutions fresh by not making the same ones yearly. Wiseman explained to The Guardian, “if people think they can do it, then they probably can, but if they’ve already tried and failed, their self-confidence will be low.”

If you decide to pursue the same goals you’ve previously achieved, take some time to evaluate your results. What were the most effective strategies? How have you kept your resolutions in the past?

Remember That Change Is a Process

How can you expect to change unhealthy or undesired habits within a few days, weeks, or months after developing them for years? Don’t rush yourself. It takes time to achieve your resolution. You can restart your journey toward your goal even if you make a mistake. 

Although it may take longer than you expect, this isn’t a race to the finish line. It may take you the rest of your life to change your behavior once you’ve committed.

Get Support – Ten Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

This advice is probably overused, but that’s only because it works. You can stay motivated and accountable if you have a solid support system. It’s also more fun to stick to your resolution when you have a buddy. Finding a friend or loved one who shares your goals is ideal. Your friends and family can assist you in achieving your goals if you explain them to them. Alternatively, join a group that shares your goals and enlist the help of others.

Renew Your Motivation

You’ll likely feel confident and highly motivated when you first make a New Year’s resolution. Making this change might seem easy since you haven’t encountered any discomfort or temptation related to it. As you drag yourself to the gym at 6 am or suffer from nicotine withdrawal headaches, your motivation to keep your New Year’s resolution may start to wane.

When times get tough, finding inspiration can keep you motivated. Remember why you are doing this whenever such moments arise. Make a list of what you stand to gain from achieving your goal.

Keep Working On Your Goals

It is common for people to lose their initial motivation by March. Don’t give up on your goals, even when you face setbacks. Develop a new plan if your current approach isn’t working. A flexible plan – and even your end goal – will help you succeed.

Keeping your New Year’s resolution all year long will make you one of the few to say that you kept it. If you keep a written record of your progress and strategies, you will always have proof that you have persevered.

Learn And Adapt – Ten Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

People often give up on their New Year’s resolutions after experiencing a setback. Don’t view relapsing into a bad habit as a failure. As you progress toward your goal, you will often encounter challenges. Learn from relapses instead.

You should write down what triggered the relapse, what you might do differently next time, and when it occurred if you keep a resolution journal. Knowing your challenges will help you deal with them more effectively in the future.

Make A Detailed Plan

It’s easy to give up when faced with an obstacle, setback, or resistance if you don’t have a plan before you begin. If you’re planning to run three times per week, what will you do if you miss four days in a row or if illness or injury prevents you from running? How important is this stage to success? How will you keep your resolution on track if things get difficult? 

The first step to achieving your goal is to write it down, list what you may need to do to accomplish it, and note any obstacles you might encounter. You’ll be better prepared to stick to your resolution if you know exactly what you want to achieve and the difficulties you may encounter.